Welcome to the The Generals' Plan documentation project Let us begin with something that everyone knows ..or maybe not everyone as current generations did not grow up in an era when there was no video but celluloid. And even then, when there were videos (VHS and Betamax), there was no YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, TikTok or Instagram. The first Internet video hosting site was ShareYourWorld.com, founded in 1997. There are many definitions of history. However, the most simple way to explain it is to use the pictured images. A celluloid film consists of a series of frames. Each frame is part of a scene which, in return, may be part of a series of scenes. They all together form what is called a sequence. So, a movie is built up by a series of sequences. If you watch the whole film, you will see a chronology of frames, scenes, and sequences. Visualizing history is similar to this, meaning that you can imagine history as a complete movie unless you cut it into pieces to remove frames, scenes, or even a whole sequence that you don't want people to watch. Like every movie, any event must have a beginning as nothing happens in a vacuum. There is always a main cause or root, which always lies in the very past. And so it is about Northern Gaza.
Gaza was once the land of the Philistines, a people, first described by the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle. They were an ancient people who lived on the south coast of Canaan during the Iron Age. |
On November 20, 2023, a publication titled "Let’s Not be Intimidated by the World," was found. In that document, the author, Israeli ret. Major General Giora Eiland argued that all Palestinians in Gaza are legitimate targets and that even a “severe epidemic" in Gaza will "bring victory closer.” He did not explain how a 'severe epidemic' should be achieved. Wars are normally fought with tanks, soldiers, and aircraft. But the Israelis were also deploying bulldozers equipped with road breakers. The bulldozers had our interest because they have been used in the West Bank to destroy roads in Palestinian towns, villages, and refugee camps. But in Gaza, the Israelis were breaking up streets where sewage and water supply pipelines are laid underneath. In July 2024, polio broke out in Gaza. In September 2024, an article was found written by the same general. He criticized the military leadership for failing to achieve goals, and that the command should include officers from the field. Giora Eiland made a video in which he explained his ideas about destroying Hamas by employing a 'surrender or starve' strategy. He argued the following:
The plan was approved by Netanyahu in the first week of October 2024. However, hundreds of documented videos and photos show that the whole operation did not hallmark the goal of achieving the surrender of Hamas but intended incorporation of Northern Gaza to the territory that the European ancestors of the Israelis took from indigenous people. |
We're sorry for the inconvenience that we can explain. The archive (more than 30.000 files) is too large and upgrading the used ISP package is not the solution. GLOSM Documentation is a self-funded project. Technically, it is more than keeping a (huge) website online. In addition to standard costs like your domain and package, the larger the website, the more web space you need, and the higher the monthly cost. Then, there are extra monthly costs, such as keeping the website secure and protected. Hardware doesn't last a lifetime. You have to update, repair, or replace hardware parts occasionally. The documentation runs locally for the reasons above. |